pmor4272, see if this thread helps:

It discusses different releases of v2008.1.33--some "lettered", some "non-lettered". The lettered versions came later and tended to work better on Vista and XP. The downside was that these newer install packages included a newer version of a file called evideo.ocx (typically written to one of the Windows system folders). It was the newer version of this file (1.19 instead of the older 1.11) that caused trouble for some XP users. Consequently, we have now made both the original ml2008.1.33 package available for XP users and ml2008.1.33e available for Vista and Windows 7 users.

See also:

Note that as of January 2011, Version 2010 is also now available and so far seems to work very well on XP and Vista and Windows 7. We got rid of the evideo ocx file and reworked a lot of code from scratch to handle media and to avoid memory issues that were causing these problems for some users with v2008.

If this is at all confusing, please contact us at sales@ or service@ with questions.