I just wanted to let everyone know that I got inquisit 4 to work but unfortunately it won't work when you specify the entire inquisit file path location as you did in your example (e.g. my documents etc...). In addition the two quotations marks need to have a space between them.

I found that the easiest way to copy and paste it would be to actually open the questionnaire and paste it in the file name section instead of using the shortcut.

This is the command which worked for me for an inquisit file labeled cyberball inclusion. Also, remember to make the item type executable rather than an inquisit type.

"C:\Program Files\Millisecond Software\Inquisit 4\Inquisit.exe" "Cyberball inclusion.iqx" -s <subject> -g <condition>

I really hope you can eventually fix this issue so that we can just run it as an inquisit session rather than an executable file with paths as it will make it so much easier.