Item Wording/File (Questionnaire Files)


Identifies the question wording for the questionnaire item type being presented.

Value – as Question Wording

Use Question Wording/ File Name field to create the question wording for the following item types:



Multiple Response

Recall Listing

Scale Response



Hints – as Question Wording

Click Details for a more flexible editing space.

A very simple solution for more elaborate or formatted instructions is to simply insert them in a HTML, word or word perfect document and present that as its own item.

Advanced Hints – as Question Wording

If you want more formatting control over question wording you can insert HTML anywhere on any question item by specifying an HTML file or URL in the BackGround field for the item. This way you can create whatever you like and present it in place of (or in addition to) the usual instruction text. Note that you must specify the area in the which the HTML should appear or it may hide other parts of the question item.

You can insert the value of a subject's prior response to any fill-in-the blank or scale response item by typing the appropriate variable name surrounded by < > within any question wording text. For example, if you had previously asked participants about their race using a fill-in-the-blank question or a scale response with the item name race, then you could insert the participants' response in a subsequent question wording by typing something like:

What percentage of your friends are <race>?

in the Question Wording/File Name field. For scale responses, the text label of the selected response is used.

You can also use responses to thought listing items in ranking items. Simply type the name of each of the thought listing answers surrounded by <>

<thoughlist_1>, <thoughtlist_2>

in the Text Label field of the ranking item.

Apply parameters to question wording

You can add parameters in the question wording itself specific to the question wording on any item that supports question wording. You can add top (t) and left (l) parameters to define the questions location on the screen as well as width (w) and height (h) parameters to define  boundaries of the presentation box of the wording. To do so, use the key word "param" at the end of your question wording followed by your parameters in parentheses. For example, you could enter the following in the Questoin Wording/ File Name field:

Please answer the following questions. When you're done, feel proud you did a good thing. param(t200,l100,w200,h100).

This would cause the the question wording to appear 200 pixels down and 100 pixels to the right of the top left corner of the screen in a box three lines high and five words wide.  You may have to try a few combinations of settings before you find one you like.

You can also add an "a" parameter to set the alignment of the text. By default it will be left aligned. For right alignment, add "a1". For center alignment, add "a2". For example, typing

The quick brown fox jumped off the roof. param(a1)

in the Question Wording/File Name field will make the text "The quick brown fox jumped off the roof." right aligned.


The quick brown fox jumped off the roof. param(a2,t.5)

in te Question Wording/File Name field will center the same text horizontally on the screen and the top of the text will be located 50% of the way down the screen.