[edited from support email]

I am in the midst of programming a MediaLab study with lots of jumps and thoughtlisting reponses within it. Each participant comes out with about 150 variables. We want accurate response latencies though...so we thought maybe DirectRT would be better. Is MediaLab timing as accurate as DirectRT? It seems that the output and analysis of a DirectRT file for data like this might be excessively unruly?

Also, (my bigger concern)--I have a list of arguments. Participants choose what argument they want to listen to in random order (i.e. select an argument, program jumps to argument, at the end of the argument it jumps back to the list), but will listen to them all. Our DV is the duration of time between the END of one audio file and the selection of the next audio file. Would either MediaLab or DirectRT be able to give me the time between stimuli?

Thanks for your help!!!!