Hi, I'm having a very strange problem when using the mouse cursor. I've established 6 cursor areas using the cursor.txt file, like this:

1, 340, 110, 340, 340
2, 340, 450, 340, 340
3, 760, 110, 340, 340
4, 760, 450, 340, 340
5, 550, 425, 340, 50
6, 550, 575, 680, 50

so they'll act as responses for my experiment. 1 to 4 define 4 corners which are the possible responses, and 5-6 are "continue" buttons. The thing is, I've realized that sometimes, one of the 1-4 corners won't react when being clicked once, but it will react when clicking twice, or clicking, moving slightly the mouse and clicking again. This doesn't happen with all the areas, just with some of them; let's say area 4. Everything else works fine, but sometimes area 4 won't react after being clicked. This situation seems to be random, and I don't think it's related to any error on the instructions. If I create a new area, area 7, with the same attributes than area 4, and use it instead, suddenly the corner works. That's really weird, but at least this way I used to be able to keep on working.
The problem is, lately I had to change the screen resolution, and modify the file according to it. After doing it, my previous solution stoped working. Now, when I create a new area in the way I've stated, the continue buttons linked to areas 5 and 6 start showing the same weird, erratic behaviour: sometimes they work, sometimes they don't react to the first (or firsts) click. If I try to fix it by creating new areas with the same attributes, then is the new corner area which starts to show problems. And so on. I've ended up with areas up to 20, trying to fix it, but everytime the corner OR the buttons area get this weird problem and don't respond as they should.
It has to be something related to the software, because not changing the instructions or the attributes, different areas work or not deppending on the change I've made.
I've tried using the cursor.txt included on the sample directory: it works well as soon as I don't modify it. After editing it, the same problems appear. I have no clue as to what to do, and this is stopping me from going on with my research.
Any idea about what could I do? It is really frustating!

I hope I managed to explain myself properly. As you could probably see, English is not my native language, and the problem is quite strange.

P. S. This issue happens with DirectRT 2008 and our newly updated 2012 version, both on windows 7 and windows XP.