I want to have subjects respond to video clips. I designed an input file with 15 trials, each having a video clip (1940 ms) as stimulus. response time maximum was set to 3940! ms. trial interval was 500 ms. When I run the complete input file (introduction, 3 examples, 15 video trials), at least 2 or 3 videos were not displayed within the expected time frame. The delay between response of subjects to the trial presented before and those videos are at least 3000-4000 ms!!! All you see is a black screen. The log file, however, shows very short load times for those vids (about 14 - all other trials range from 99 to 115), and the totalInt range from 499 to 501, which seems to me absolutely ok. DirectRT is running on a laptop with dualcore processor and 2 GB working memory with 19" Flatscreen with 60 Hz. Can anybody help me?