Hi, I run into a problem.
I have a htm in custom item. I have a button on the htm file. If don't click the button within 5 sec, participants go to next item which is an instruction item shows "MISS". If they click the button within 5 sec, I want them skip the "Miss" instruction and go to the third item which is another htm custom item with another button.

I design the htm file with MS sharepoint. The button is in a "submit" status.

my questionnaire is ordered with the flowing 3 items:
position Name item type
1.00 test1 custom (I specify in the skipto filed with "test2")
2.00 miss instructions
3.00 test2 custom

Now my problem is: If I click the button in test1 htm, I still go to "Miss" rather than test2. Why?

will run this experiment in days, so please help me asap, thx!