Our lab recently updated computers. With the computer updates, we downloaded and installed MediaLab 2008 v 1.33 on the newer computers. These computers have Windows XP Service Pack 3 on them. Since the update to MediaLab version 1.33, the software has been crashing on longer protocols and those with videos in them. The freezing issue is occurring in multiple experiments. I tried a que file that was posted from your support specialist on another thread http://www.empirisoft.com/support/showthread.php?t=1013 and replicated the problem with this file as well. We have been trying to troubleshoot this problem found a couple of things
  • Before the computer and software update we were running version 1.22
  • We have a second lab and laptops that are still running version 1.22. All of the computers that are running the software without error are running version 2008 1.22. All of these computers are running on Windows XP as well.
  • The crashes have occurred on every computer that have (10 total) version 1.33 on them
We found that closing the program in between participants helps reduce the number of crashes although we had crashes occur on Monday even though we closed the program in between participants. Do you have a download or patch to remedy this issue? Thank you in advance for your help. I look forward to hearing from you soon.