I'm trying to set up a MediaLab scale response item, where the user will hit one key for "yes" and one for "no." I want the keys used to be spaced out on the keyboard.

--I can get the screen to look right using the 1 & 2 keys (and spacing buttons with w.6) BUT the person's hands are too close together.
--I can get the person's hands spaced out enough by using a 9 response item and the 1 & 9 keys (which are fine in terms of space), but I can't find a way to suppress the intervening buttons (I want 2 vs 9 options).
--I don't need reaction time data, hit rates, etc. so am trying to avoid DirectRT or Inquisit use. Also, I have the scale response item in an item which is also running a short powerpoint show embedded in an HTML file.

Any ideas?