I've created a custom item that has Flash embeded in HTML. When the participant compeletes the task the flash scripting passes the varibles to medialab just like a form does (be appending the varibles on the end of the url e.g. C:/file.html?score=343) . Everything works fine and Medialab recieves the variable and moves on the to the next slide. However if I run the experiment again, Medialab crashes as soon as the Flash form submits. I've found that if I close Medialab and restart it before running the experiment again this doesn't happen and it works correctly. Any Ideas on whats going on here or am I just going to have to restart the program between participants?

Here is the error code:
AppName: medialab.exe AppVer: 2006.2.0.39 ModName: ieframe.dll
ModVer: 7.0.6000.16791 Offset: 000eae9c
