[edited from support email]

I coded a multiple-choice math test to be presented as a MediaLab questionnaire embedded within a larger experiment file. Each question was coded as a Multiple Response item, with the letters a-e as Labels and the numerical answer options in the Text Label fields. In setting up the questionnaire, I had indicated in the 'Text Label' fields a "{0}" for the options that were wrong and a {1} for the single option in each question that was correct. I am now looking at my data and I see that instead of outputting a single answer for the question as I had expected (ie Q1 - 1 if right, 0 if wrong), MediaLab has outputted five answers per question (ie 0,0, 0, 0, 1 - exactly as coded, for Ans1_01, Ans1_02, Ans_03, Ans_04, and Ans1_05). This masks respondents' real answers. I am wondering if there is a way to recover the participants' math test answers from the data files.