Hi fantacier.

Could you please be more specific about which screen you see before this error appears? Is it before, in the middle of, or after you have run your file? Are you running a questionnaire or experiment file? In which part of the file is the error showing up? This could help us narrow down the cause.

Even without knowing exactly where your problem occurs, I'm guessing that "Client Site" means something the computer that you are using to run MediaLab. Have you made any changes to the computer or OS settings since installing MediaLab? If so and you remember what the old settings were, try resetting them back to the original state to see if the problem goes away.

You may also want to delete your current MediaLab folder and reinstall it to see if that might reset the situation to a working state.

Please let me know if any of this works and I'll follow up as soon as I can.

