According to post # 3...using the syntax provided by Greenwald...

"In DirectRT, your trial #rs must begin with #1 (and go to whatever). SO: if the range in DirectRT is 5-380, you need to transform it to range from 1-376."

I believe this is because we want to drop the first two trials of each block for the original scoring method of the IAT.
When we look at the syntax file attached...the following line is used to compute the "Original IAT measure":

*Drop 1st 2 trials (this was part of the conventional procedure).

However, I believe there are two problems with this procedure, though I am not sure...if anyone can speak to these two potential issues, I would appreciate it:

1. This drops trials 1 and 2 from the first block (which is a single-pairing practice that isn't analyzed anyway) , but the IAT scoring procedure should drop the first two trials from EACH BLOCK.

2. The trial numbers in DirectRT do not reflect the order that these trials were presented to the subject-just the order they are programmed as-which would make this the wrong variable to reference anyway.

Also, is there any reason to actually save blocks 1,2, and 5? I don't, and besides the aforementioned problems with calculating the traditional scoring measure, this syntax appears to work just fine.