[Hmm, I thought I posted this here last night, I seem to be doing a lot of fumbling lately.]

OK, I just want to add a style using the Style Editor, and I want that style to be exactly the same as an existing style except for MinMax. So exactly how do I edit the new style to have exactly the same Colour as another style? Sure I can see the numeric colour code for the existing style, but that does me no good as the Style Editor does not allow me to type in a numeric colour code for my new style, it instead insists on popping up a GUI where I can visually pick out a color, but no way can I visually match the existing color! Ideally the Style Editor would provide some way to copy an existing style and paste it in to a new style, duplicating it for further editing and adjustment, but just being able to type in codes would be good enough here.

Am I missing something, because this seems like such a basic feature to have included in the Editor? I can't find anything about this in the manual, nor with a quick search in the forum. Please help. Thanks.

-- David McFarlane, Professional Faultfinder