I am using the old (2004) version of DirectRT. Here is my problem:
One of my trials consists of 3 stimuli. My second stimuli needs to have max time screen appear if the participant hasn't responded after 45sec, but my first and second screens must be limitless. For this reason, my second stimuli contains an embedded style which has a different style from the other two (I added this style by adding it in <> after the stim name. This second style, is one that I've set a max time of 4500. Because after this max time, I want the participant to be able to go to the next stimulus in the trial (the third), I entered it as 45000! The problem is that when this part of the trial times out, it procedes on to the next TRIAL, rather than finishing the third stimulus of the trial. Isn't that what's supposed to happen if I had typed in 4500!! (two exclamation marks)?
