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View Full Version : DirectRT Older Versions: How Do I...

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  1. Shooter Task (case 34960) (5 replies)
  2. Restrict responses (case 31027) (1 replies)
  3. Make A Stimulus' Appearance Contingent on Past Responses in Version 2012 (case 27350) (3 replies)
  4. Flicker paradigm/time limit and response (case 25709 (1 replies)
  5. how to create a 2-back test (case 22831) (8 replies)
  6. Urgent Problem with Recording Reaction Time of Speaker (case 14884) (1 replies)
  7. Using previous stimuli in DirectRT 2008 (case 9544) (1 replies)
  8. Saving DirectRT output. (case 5102) (2 replies)
  9. data is not collected (case 3517) (1 replies)
  10. write data to different location (case 1164) (1 replies)
  11. Continuous data collection during sound file (case 460) (1 replies)
  12. Keep track of answers? (1 replies)
  13. Response recording problem (1 replies)
  14. Adjusting sensitivity of response boxes (0 replies)
  15. Randomizing participants pre stimulus (case 486) (1 replies)
  16. How do I clear a stimulus while still allowing time for a response? (case 487) (4 replies)
  17. Jumping after aud response (2 replies)
  18. recognition test (0 replies)
  19. Using joystick force feedback? (0 replies)
  20. control Virtual Reality System (0 replies)
  21. no-go trial? (0 replies)
  22. Randomize a STIMULUS withing a group (case 6149) (2 replies)
  23. Making stimuli disappear only when the 'correct' answer is given (0 replies)
  24. Interstimulus timing (1 replies)
  25. Complex permanent background (0 replies)
  26. how to pause video clip to allow for free response text (0 replies)
  27. TTL locked to responses (case 6366) (4 replies)
  28. Picture IAT (0 replies)
  29. spinning picture (0 replies)
  30. spinning picture (0 replies)
  31. Spinning picture (0 replies)
  32. Cursor Feedback (0 replies)
  33. Distractor/Monitor Task (0 replies)
  34. French charaters (0 replies)
  35. Time limit with two response options (2 replies)
  36. multiple words/ multiple images (0 replies)
  37. multiple words/ multiple images (0 replies)
  38. Assigning multiple styles to a .txt file (0 replies)
  39. Probe every 2-4 minutes (0 replies)
  40. tapping / rhythm task (0 replies)
  41. Trigger for the end of stimuli (0 replies)
  42. files won't run including the samples (2 replies)
  43. Output: LOG File - Need more information (0 replies)
  44. Open Responses (0 replies)
  45. using prior random stimuli (2 replies)
  46. Using GamePad for reaction times in DirectRT (2 replies)
  47. Receive Ttl (0 replies)
  48. No response and response as valid (0 replies)
  49. race IAT (0 replies)
  50. judgment of contingency task (0 replies)
  51. Synchronizing Audio and Video (0 replies)
  52. Designing a Flanker task in DirectRT (1 replies)
  53. Cue after stimulus onset (0 replies)
  54. how do I run a sample (0 replies)
  55. Intertrial Interval Jitter? (0 replies)
  56. Clear Scren During RT with No Response as Valid (0 replies)
  57. Video won't play (3 replies)
  58. randomized placement of images on a compound screen (1 replies)
  59. Fixed time interval (2 replies)
  60. Basic Question: Response Box (1 replies)
  61. Log Incorrect Responses (0 replies)
  62. Display more than one stimulus at a time (0 replies)
  63. Audio probes during video playback? (0 replies)
  64. red x to either a slow response or an incorrect response (1 replies)
  65. Create a scale that uses responses from the mouse rather than keys (1 replies)
  66. two response boxes on the same computer (0 replies)
  67. Help with a specific cueing experiment program (2 replies)
  68. clear screen after 2s even if were answer (1 replies)
  69. Key response or time limit for one screen (3 replies)
  70. having participant-specific image stimuli (0 replies)
  71. Motivated Go/No-Go task: Keeping Total Number Correct On Screen (0 replies)
  72. Link or automatically start Direct RT input files (case 405) (2 replies)
  73. Recording Non-Key Press Response in Data File (2 replies)
  74. How do I create a self-paced reading task? (0 replies)
  75. Find time elapsed from ANY button press to start of task? (0 replies)
  76. Mask and prompt together? (0 replies)
  77. Data Output...is there an easier way? (0 replies)
  78. Displaying RT data during/after experiment (3 replies)
  79. Random Stim with varing length, without rt:any (1 replies)
  80. Changing Default Messages (2 replies)
  81. Divide reaction time in a phase where no reactions /where reactions are registered? (4 replies)
  82. Collect RT while other stimuli are displayed (0 replies)
  83. Fixed stimulus display time independent of RT (1 replies)
  84. Maximum font size? (1 replies)
  85. True versus False answers (3 replies)
  86. Repeating a randomly selected stimulus WITHIN a trial (1 replies)
  87. creat a fading effect? (1 replies)
  88. Can the presentation time be dependent on the response (3 replies)
  89. Threshold detection (1 replies)
  90. Stroop Task - Present Multiple Images & Record Multiple Responses (0 replies)
  91. IAT and SPSS (0 replies)
  92. race IAT sample problems (2 replies)
  93. Formatting .bmp files (0 replies)
  94. Can I have a break between 2 parts (0 replies)
  95. Any HTML possible in 2006 version? (2 replies)
  96. MediaLab & Direct RT- randomization without replacement from a common pool (0 replies)
  97. Repeating Multiple Stimuli Within a Trial (0 replies)
  98. Collect RT and keep stimulus on screen for set time (1 replies)
  99. Inserting a blank screen (1 replies)
  100. Seeing all Stimuli in output files (1 replies)
  101. Repeating Stimuli Until Key Press (2 replies)
  102. Giving Feedback for Incorrect Audio Response (1 replies)
  103. Repeat Stimuli? (5 replies)
  104. Output to TWO displays? (11 replies)
  105. Inserting still images into video (1 replies)
  106. Pause an experiment once started (1 replies)
  107. Randomizing sub-blocks within blocks (0 replies)
  108. An attention task (0 replies)
  109. multiple open ended responses (1 replies)
  110. Tricky randomization question (0 replies)
  111. Voice Response DirectRT using Vista (0 replies)
  112. looping trials (0 replies)
  113. recode responses? (0 replies)
  114. Viewing Output for Repeat Trial (0 replies)
  115. LCD Monitor Stretching? (Flat Panel Scaling) (0 replies)
  116. No response as correct response (2 replies)
  117. Using 'incorrect.txt' and requiring a response without 'incorrect' text. (1 replies)
  118. Using mouse cursor function with animations (.gif) files (2 replies)
  119. Programming screen location areas (2 replies)
  120. Placing an Image in a Random location from a set of possible locations? (3 replies)
  121. DirectRT - Experiment Question (2 replies)
  122. Changing the Screen Size / Resolution (2 replies)
  123. Screen Size (0 replies)
  124. Running lotteries in DirectRT or Medialab (1 replies)
  125. Display multiple images and record which image is clicked w/ RT (1 replies)
  126. Stroop test - recognizing correct random responses (2 replies)
  127. randomizing text color (1 replies)
  128. $:randomization w/o replacement, within a trial (0 replies)
  129. Yoking Stimuli, Selecting Distractors, and Using Home Key (2 replies)
  130. Keeping a Running Total in DirectRT (8 replies)
  131. keep categories on screen for lexical decision task (1 replies)
  132. Can I present randomized picture and sound file simultaneously? (3 replies)
  133. Stimulus remains on screen (1 replies)
  134. Coding the DAT: How... (0 replies)
  135. recording from keyboard (1 replies)
  136. Randomize pictures (2 replies)
  137. Tracking monetary gains/score (0 replies)
  138. rbg/rwg vs. bgr/wgr (0 replies)
  139. Make Windowed Trials & Overwrite Warning persistent? (2 replies)
  140. Duplicating style colour (color for us Yanks) (1 replies)
  141. Input file key codes vs. data file Resp? (6 replies)
  142. Stop-Signal-Task (1 replies)
  143. Response window IAT (3 replies)
  144. Cheating program (2 replies)
  145. Correct Responses for only some scripts (5 replies)
  146. Why video files won't move on once ended (7 replies)
  147. Can DirectRT Do any of all of these things and how? (1 replies)
  148. Scoring open-ended responses (1 replies)
  149. Concurrent Multiple Response Feedback (5 replies)
  150. Displaying same picture twice in random settings (1 replies)
  151. Displaying compund images (1 replies)
  152. How can location be randomised on screen (1 replies)
  153. Overlay text onto a previous slide (1 replies)
  154. Can DirectRT do all these things? (1 replies)
  155. Capturing DirectRT session as a video (1 replies)
  156. How about "else" as incorrect response in rt:text items (3 replies)
  157. displaying number of trials done/remaining (4 replies)
  158. Showing participants scores? (2 replies)
  159. Displaying RTs to the subject (1 replies)
  160. Creating a Stroop test (1 replies)
  161. Dot-probe randomisation of location of compound screens (2 replies)
  162. Fill-in-the-blank (1 replies)
  163. Correct and incorrect feedback location (1 replies)
  164. randomization mistake (3 replies)
  165. recording RT with delayed stim presentation (1 replies)
  166. Within groups randomization and sampling without replacement (3 replies)
  167. RT from end of stimulus rather than start of stimulus? (1 replies)
  168. rt and interval (3 replies)
  169. collecting RT while a video is running (2 replies)
  170. Echoing key presses as TTL signals automatically (1 replies)
  171. TTL insertaion (15 replies)
  172. Change response time onset (1 replies)
  173. Multiple versions - Randomization? (4 replies)
  174. Requiring two responses before moving on to next trial (3 replies)
  175. meta command to skip (1 replies)
  176. Putting a time limit on Stim 2 without affecting Stim 1 in a trial (2 replies)
  177. A scale with images for anchors? (1 replies)
  178. total response time issue (1 replies)
  179. Create Onscreen Buttons (1 replies)
  180. Percent Correct (2 replies)
  181. incorrect response feedback (2 replies)
  182. identify correct answer after random pairing (3 replies)
  183. Using Greek characters in DirectRT? (1 replies)
  184. Dual Task with Direct RT? (1 replies)
  185. Standardizing RLs (2 replies)
  186. Display calculated variables to subject (1 replies)
  187. randomize bgr and jump wgr (4 replies)
  188. log file not recording data (1 replies)
  189. RBG + RWG with MANY video stimuli (1 replies)
  190. Merging output files (5 replies)
  191. Affect Grid (3 replies)
  192. load delay for images (3 replies)
  193. Joystick - Continuous (9 replies)
  194. rt timing (9 replies)
  195. How to make the recording of the response begin at the END of the stimulus? (1 replies)
  196. Hot to make RWG with the constraint of equal numbers of stimuli of each type? (11 replies)
  197. Producing a beep upon key press after a given amount of time has occurred (3 replies)
  198. displaying images very fast (4 replies)
  199. different response values for different session ids (1 replies)
  200. Other startup fields? How to stop a session? (1 replies)
  201. Randomization problem with directRT (1 replies)
  202. Change Blindness Question (7 replies)
  203. Show Multiple Individual Text Lines (1 replies)
  204. placing the time limit on rt:text (4 replies)
  205. Using individual RT average as a parameter for later trials (case 20784) (3 replies)
  206. How do I determine a correct button press on the fly? (1 replies)
  207. ordering trials (3 replies)
  208. data file (7 replies)
  209. need more columns in excel (2 replies)
  210. IAT instructions and category backgrounds (1 replies)
  211. Collecting Single or multiple response (6 replies)
  212. RT feedback before response (3 replies)
  213. response window priming? (1 replies)
  214. Multiple Skipping Values? (1 replies)
  215. leave the stimuli on the screen after pressing the response pad (4 replies)
  216. change blindness (3 replies)
  217. stroop task-randomize only one culmn (1 replies)
  218. Skipping in Direct RT!!! (0 replies)
  219. interpretation of log file (4 replies)
  220. visual analog scale (VAS) (11 replies)
  221. Correct, incorrect response analysis (0 replies)
  222. proceeding to next trial after some time or key press (1 replies)
  223. Present an picture, record response and RT? (3 replies)
  224. Get a beep to follow a keypress DURING a movie (2 replies)
  225. Continuous Background Sound (4 replies)
  226. RT and time limit without feedback (1 replies)
  227. Two images presented at same time (1 replies)
  228. Rhythm Task (7 replies)
  229. New to Direct RT (1 replies)
  230. How do i get free add on InputRT v2006 (3 replies)
  231. Return to Previous Stimuli (1 replies)
  232. Can DirectRT Perform Needed Randomization? (2 replies)
  233. randomizing on distributions (1 replies)
  234. Display RT Feedback? (1 replies)
  235. Simultaneous audio and image presentations (1 replies)
  236. Audio probe during an image stimulus? (3 replies)
  237. Running multiple participants at once? (2 replies)
  238. Feedback for incorrect responses (1 replies)
  239. Complicated Block Randomization Issues (1 replies)
  240. Switching Text Style Mid-trial (1 replies)
  241. Skipping with Randomized Blocks, Randomized Stimuli, and Fixed Instructions (1 replies)
  242. counting multiple responses (3 replies)
  243. Dot probe detection task? (case 14284) (8 replies)
  244. complex issues in JUMPING (1 replies)
  245. DirectRT N-back task (4 replies)
  246. Video mouse responses (1 replies)
  247. Multiple Monitors (4 replies)
  248. Continuous Vocal Time Series (0 replies)
  249. Correct and Incorrect Feedback (1 replies)
  250. Scoring the IAT (case 12779) (28 replies)