I'm working with a questionnaire in which I have 5 groups, each of which has 60 "questions" to be presented. Within each group, I have the 60 questions broken up into 2 groups. I do not care which order the 5 groups of questions appear in, as long as each's 60 questions are asked before moving onto another group.

I tried using numbers 1-5 in the Between Group Randomization column. Then, within each of the 5 groups, I broke up each set of 60 questions into "1"s or "2"s.

When I run it, after having saved it as an experiment, I get what looks like complete randomization, or randomization within groups (by "1"s and "2"s but I cannot be sure because of the sheer number).

In case I simply got the meanings of WGR and BGR confused, I tried switching the values from one column to the other, but still I get randomization that is not contained with the 1-5 groups.

How can I randomize as I am hoping to?