[edited from support email]

Hi, I don't use DirectRT currently, but am checking it out to see whether it would suit my purposes for a particular task. The task would involve these components:
  1. Subjects receive a cue that a picture will appear next,
  2. Subjects receive the picture. The subjects' task is to push a joystick away from themselves if it's negative, and toward themselves if it's positive.
The critical components are this:
  1. Being able to record their continuous joystick movement during the anticipation period.
  2. Recording their movement and response time during the picture period, most critically
  3. Have a zooming effect where at every 7.5 degrees or so, the picture is replaced with the same picture but a different size. The point would be to simulate the picture on the screen as moving away (presenting subsequent smaller pictures) or toward the participant (presenting subsequent larger pictures).
The key would be that these presentations would be contingent on the joystick movement.

If this would be easy peezy with your software, then you might just have a new customer.