We often look at effort or time on a task, and MediaLab has a built-in feature that unobtrusively allows us to get timed data for any aspect of our study - everything from time spent reading stimulus materials to completion of individual dependent measures. My graduate students have found programming in MediaLab to be very easy to learn. They have been able to begin running studies within days of being introduced to the program. It has cut the amount of time required to prepare an experiment in half; we no longer need to create multiple versions of the experimental materials or waste time at the copy machine to produce them. It has eliminated the need for data entry or conversion - the data are automatically stored in SPSS and Excel formats and ready for analysis. We also have noticed that research participants seem to be more engaged in experiments using MediaLab. MediaLab has greatly facilitated the research being conducted in my lab.

Gifford Weary,
Ohio State University