[edited from support email]

A grad student in the lab is running an IAT with kids using Direct RT. She has it working so that the necessary pictures and sounds are being presented. Because she is investigating kids, she has programmed it so that instead of saying left or right, they are saying 'green' or 'yellow' and there is a green band under the picture on the left and a yellow band under the picture on the right. Unfortunately because she has these big swaths of color under the pictures, when the screen refreshes between trials it makes it look like the entire screen is flashing. Is there anyway we can use a bitmap or other picture format as a background instead of a single color? We are hoping that by linking a picture to the style file that the flashing will not occur because we won't have to clear the screen. She has already made her ITI very short as was recommended on the website, but I was curious if any other tricks have been discovered or if there is a way to link a picture to the background column of the style editor.