
I am using the 2008 version. I need to re display a stimulus for a participant for her/him to judge whether it is familiar or not. between the judgements she performs a second distractor task (achieved trough a composite screen, i.e. within the same row/trail). As i need the probe and the intial stim to follow one another AND i would like to randomize all the trails of the experiment a bright student that i worked with thought of :a. giving the pair of stimuli the same block number and a different trial number b. randomizing the different trials using BGW randomization. should have worked but for some reason dRT does not randomize the blocks (as shows the log file) and just presents them sequentially. just to clarify, i have now say 20 no probe blocks "blocks" each consisting of a single trial, an additional 5 "blocks" (probe trials) each consists of two trials sharing the same block number.