Tutorial: Images (2/21)


…\DirectRT\samples\1 bare bones\images.csv


Notice that this sample is identical to the previous text sample, with the exception of the Stim column. Notice that there is no ~ before each stimulus. If there is no special character preceding the stimulus, this tells DirectRT that you want to display an image. You do not need to add the .bmp to the end, because DirectRT assumes it (although you can put it there if you like).

By default, DirectRT assumes that all stimuli are located in a Stim folder located in the same folder as the input file. So if the image is in the Stim folder, then all you have to do is enter the name of the image. That's what's happening here.

If it's located somewhere else, then you could specify the exact location (e.g., c:\images\pic01). If the image is located in a folder within the Stim folder, then you just need to add the name of that subfolder (e.g., faces\pic01).

Try running this session and see what happens. You see that is works the same as the text sample, except that images appear instead of text.

As an exercise try dropping a .bmp image of your own in the DirectRT\samples\1 bare bones\stim folder, and change one of the images in the Stim column of the input file to the name of your image file. Save the file and re-run the session and see what happens. Note that this session runs in 800x600 mode so an image of those dimensions or less will work best. We'll look at changing display modes a little later.

As an additional exercise, try adding a ~ in front of one of the image names and see what happens. Can you guess?

Hint: for exploring folders and copying files, you can just click Launch Explorer from the File menu of any DirectRT application.